
A look at the week's goings-on in Brooklyn's largest and most beautiful public park. Plus monsters.

Prospect Park’s Chimera Successfully Fitted With a Shock Collar

Prospect Park’s Chimera Successfully Fitted With a Shock Collar

Prospect Park Alliance Volunteers have successfully fitted the park’s chimera with a shock collar in an attempt to keep the lion/snake/goat creature within the bounds of the park. 

The Alliance had attempted to harness the creature with a shock-collar multiple times since the chimera nested in the trees east of the Nellie’s Lawn area three years ago, but a change in tactics this time around met with success. 

“We’d been focusing on putting the collar on the chimera’s lion head, for obvious reasons,” said park cryptozoologist Stephanie Bansome, referring to the fire-breathing aspect of the chimera’s goat head, “but once we focused on the goat, it was surprisingly easy.”

But not so easy was burying more than seven miles of Invisible Fence ™ barrier wire around the boundaries of the park in an effort lasting three weeks and costing more than $750,000. 

Park visitors are reminded, if you do spot the chimera, not to approach under any circumstances. Keep in mind that the chimera’s tail is a poisonous serpent, and thus the creature is unsafe to approach from any direction.

This Week in Prospect Park featured in!

This Week in Prospect Park featured in!

Remember: the Magnolias are in Bloom, and That Means Cockatrices!

Remember: the Magnolias are in Bloom, and That Means Cockatrices!